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Publications by BGC Scientists

Below is a comprehensive list of publications by BGC scientists. Included are publications by current BGC Faculty arising from prior affiliations elsewhere.

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Balco, G., Stone, J.O.H., Sliwinski, M.G., Todd, C., 2014, Features of the glacial history of the Transantarctic Mountains inferred from cosmogenic Al-26, Be-10 and Ne-21 concentrations in bedrock surfaces. ANTARCTIC SCIENCE, 6: 708-723, DOI: 10.1017/S0954102014000261

Balco, G., 2014, Simple computer code for estimating cosmic-ray shielding by oddly shaped objects. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 22: 175-182, DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2013.12.002


Barrett, P.M., Butler, R.J., Mundil, R., Scheyer, T.M., Irmis, R.B., Sanchez-Villagra, M.R., 2014, A palaeoequatorial ornithischian and new constraints on early dinosaur diversification. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 281:1791, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1147


Campisano, C.J., Kirk, E.C., Townsend, K.E.B., Deino, A.L., 2014, Geochronological and Taxonomic Revisions of the Middle Eocene Whistler Squat Quarry (Devil's Graveyard Formation, Texas) and Implications for the Early Uintan in Trans-Pecos Texas. PLOS ONE, 9:7, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101516


Dethier, D.P., Ouimet, W., Bierman, P.R., Rood, D.H., Balco, G., 2014, Basins and bedrock: Spatial variation in Be-10 erosion rates and increasing relief in the southern Rocky Mountains, USA. GEOLOGY, 42: 167-170, DOI: 10.1130/G34922.1


Cassata, W.S., Prussin, S.G., Knight, K.B., Hutcheon, I.D., Isselhardt, B.H., Renne, P., 2014, When the dust settles: stable xenon isotope constraints on the formation of nuclear fallout. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 137: 88-95, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.06.011


Evenson, N.S., Reiners, P.W., Spencer, J.E., Shuster, D.L., 2014, Hematite And Mn Oxide (U-Th)/He Dates From The Buckskin-Rawhide Detachment System, Western Arizona: Gaining Insights Into Hematite (U-Th)/He Systematics. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 314: 1373-1435, DOI: 10.2475/10.2014.01


Firestone, R.B., Abusaleem, K., Basunia, M.S., Becvar, F., Belgya, T., Bernstein, L.A., Choi, H.D., Escher, J.E., Genreith, C., Hurst, A.M., Krticka, M., Renne, P., Revay, Z., Rogers, A.M., Rossbach, M., Siem, S., Sleaford, B., Summers, N.C., Szentmiklosi, L., van Bibber, K., Wiedeking, M, 2014, EGAF: Measurement and Analysis of Gamma-ray Cross Sections. NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS, 119: 79-87, DOI: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.024


Fox, M., McKeon, R.E., Shuster, D.L., 2014, Incorporating 3-D parent nuclide zonation for apatite He-4/He-3 thermochronometry: An example from the Appalachian Mountains. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 15: 4217-4229, DOI: 10.1002/2014GC005464


Garber, J.M., Roeske, S.M., Warren, J., Mulcahy, S.R., McClelland, W.C., Austin, L.J., Renne, P. Vujovich, G.I., 2014, Crustal shortening, exhumation, and strain localization in a collisional orogen: The Bajo Pequeno Shear Zone, Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina. TECTONICS, 33: 1277-1303, DOI: 10.1002/2013TC003477


Johnson, J.S., Bentley, M.J., Smith, J.A., Finkel, R.C., Rood, D.H., Gohl, K., Balco, G., Larter, R.D., Schaefer, J.M., 2014, Rapid Thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the Early Holocene. SCIENCE, 343: 999-1001, DOI: 10.1126/science.1247385


Jost, A.B., Mundil, R., He, B., Brown, S.T., Altiner, D., Sun, Y.D., DePaolo, D.J., Payne, J.L., 2014, Constraining the cause of the end-Guadalupian extinction with coupled records of carbon and calcium isotopes. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 396:201-212, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.014


Kenworthy, M.K., Rittenour, T.M., Pierce, J.L., Sutfin, N.A., Sharp, W.D., 2014, Luminescence dating without sand lenses: An application of OSL to coarse-grained alluvial fan deposits of the Lost River Range, Idaho, USA. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 23:9-25, DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2014.03.004


Liu, H.Q., Xu, Y.G., Tian, W., Zhong, Y.T., Mundil, R., Li, X.H., Yang, Y.H., Luo, Z.Y., Shang-Guan, S.M., 2014, Origin of two types of rhyolites in the Tarim Large Igneous Province: Consequences of incubation and melting of a mantle plume. LITHOS, 204:59-72, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.02.007


McDowell, S.M., Miller, C.F., Mundil, R., Ferguson, C.A., Wooden, J.L., 2014, Zircon evidence for a similar to 200 k.y. supereruption-related thermal flare-up in the Miocene southern Black Mountains, western Arizona, USA. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY, 168:1, DOI: 10.1007/s00410-014-1031-5

Putkonen, J., Morgan, D.,Balco, G., 2014, Boulder weathering in McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 219: 192-19, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.05.012


Simon-Labric, T., Brocard, G.Y., Teyssier, C., van der Beek, P.A., Reiners, P.W., Shuster, D.L., Murray, K.E., Whitney, D.L., 2014, Low-temperature thermochronologic signature of range-divide migration and breaching in the North Cascades. LITHOSPHERE, 6: 473-482, DOI: 10.1130/L382.1


Tikoo, S.M., Weiss, B.R., Cassata, W.S., Shuster, D.L., Gattacceca, J., Lima, E.A., Suavet, C., Nimmo, F., Fuller, M., 2014, Decline of the lunar core dynamo. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 404: 89-97, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.07.010


Tremblay, M.M., Shuster, D.L., Balco, G., 2014, Diffusion kinetics of He-3 and Ne-21 in quartz and implications for,cosmogenic noble gas paleothermometry. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 142: 186-204, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.08.010


Wilson, K.E., Maslin, M.A., Leng, M.J., Kingston, J.D., Deino, A.L., Edgar, R.K., Mackay, A.W., 2014, East African lake evidence for Pliocene millennial-scale climate variability. GEOLOGY, 42:955-958, DOI: 10.1130/G35915.1


Wright, R.H., Hall, N.T., Hanson, K.L., Sharp, W.D., Klein, J.J.P., Nichols, H.J., Mote, T.I., Keuscher, T.C., Ruffell, K.M., 2014, Uranium-Series Ages of Faulted Alluvial Fan Deposits, Mesquite Regional Landfill, Southeastern California. ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOSCIENCE, 20:199-224, DOI: 10.2113/gseegeosci.20.2.199


Zhong, Y.T., He, B., Mundil, R., Xu, Y.G., 2014, CA-TIMS zircon U-Pb dating of felsic ignimbrite from the Binchuan section: Implications for the termination age of Emeishan large igneous province. LITHOS, 204:14-19, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.03.005


Altman, N.S., Balco, G., Crainiceanu, C., Gehrels, W.R., Qiu, J., Staudenmayer, J., Sullivan, P., 2013, Statistical modeling of changes in relative sea level in Maine during the Holocene Era. ENVIRONMETRICS, 24:298-305, DOI: 10.1002/env.2209


Amos, C.B., Brownlee, S.J., Rood, D.H., Fisher, G.B., Burgmann, R., Renne, P., Jayko A.S., 2013, Chronology of tectonic, geomorphic, and volcanic interactions and thetempo of fault slip near Little Lake, California. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 125: 1187-1202, DOI: 10.1130/B30803.1


Balco, G., Schaefer, J.M., LARISSA group, 2013. Exposure-age record of Holocene ice sheet and ice shelf change in the northeast Antarctic Peninsula. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 59: 101-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.022


Balco, G., Soreghan, G.S., Sweet, D.E., Marra, K.R., Bierman, P.R., 2013, Cosmogenic-nuclide burial ages for Pleistocene sedimentary fill in Unaweep Canyon, Colorado, USA. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 18:149-157, DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2013.02.002


Balco, G., Finnegan, N., Gendaszek, A., Stone, J.O.H., Thompson, N., 2013, Erosional Response To Northward-Propagating Crustal Thickening In The Coastal Ranges of the Us Pacific Northwest. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 313:790-806, DOI: 10.2475/11.2013.01


Barry, T.L., Kelley, S.P., Reidel, S.P., et al, Renne, P.R., 2013. Eruption chronology of the Columbia River Basalt Group. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA SPECIAL PAPERS, 497:45-66. PDF


Best, M.G., Christiansen, E.H., Deino, A.L., Gromme, S., Hart, G.L., Tingey, D.G., 2013, The 36-18 Ma Indian Peak-Caliente ignimbrite field and calderas, southeastern Great Basin, USA: Multicyclic super-eruptions. GEOSPHERE, 9:864-950, DOI: 10.1130/GES00902.1


Beyene Y., Katoh S., WoldeGabriel G., Hart W.K., Uto K., Sudo M., Kondo M., Hyodo M., Renne P., Suwa G., Asfaw B., 2013, The characteristics and chronology of the earliest. Acheulean at Konso, Ethiopia. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 110: 1584-159, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1221285110


Busby, C.J., Hagan, J.C., Renne, P., 2013, Initiation of Sierra Nevada range front-Walker Lane faulting ca. 12 Ma in the Ancestral Cascades arc. GEOSPHERE, 9: 1125-1146, DOI: 10.1130/GES00927.1

Campbell, S., Balco, G., Todd, C., Conway, H., Huybers, K., Simmons, C., Vermeulen, M., 2013, Radar-detected englacial stratigraphy in the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: implications for recent changes in ice flow and accumulation. ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, 54:91-100, DOI: 10.3189/2013AoG63A371


Cassata W.S., Renne P., 2013, Kinetics of argon diffusion in calcite. CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY, 73: 113-115, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2012.10.001


Cassata, W.S., Renne, P.R., 2013. Systematic variations of argon diffusion in feldspars and implications for thermochronometry. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 112: 251-287. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.02.030

Deino, A.L., BE Begun, D.R., 2013, TI Geochronology, COMPANION TO PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, 244-264, DOI: 10.1002/9781118332344


Denyszyn, S.W., Feinberg, J.M., Renne, P.R., Scott, G.R., 2013, Revisiting the age and paleomagnetism of the Modipe Gabbro of South Africa. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 238: 176-185, DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.10.002

Fernandes, V.A., Fritz, J., Weiss, B.P., Garrick-Bethell, I., Shuster, D.L., 2013. The bombardment history of the Moon as recorded by 40Ar/39Ar chronology. METEORICTICAL SOCIETY, DOI: 10.1111/maps.12054


Finnegan, N.J., Balco, G., 2013. Sediment supply, base level, braiding, and bedrock river terrace formation: Arroyo Seco, California, USA. GSA BULLETIN, DOI: 10.1130/B30727.1


Jungers, M.C., Heimsath, A.M., Amundson, R., Balco, G., Shuster, D.L., Chong, G., 2013. Active erosion-deposition cycles in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile. EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 371-372: 125-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.005


Kirch, P.V., Ruggles, C., Sharp, W.D., 2013, The Panana Or 'Sighting Wall' At Hanamauloa, Kahikinui, Maui: Archaeological Investigation of a Possible Navigational Monument. JOURNAL OF THE POLYNESIAN SOCIETY, 122:45-68, DOI: 10.15286/jps.122.1.45-68


Lee, R.K.L., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R.W., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Potts, R., Sharp, W.D., 2013, Facies, geochemistry and diatoms of late Pleistocene Olorgesailie tufas, southern Kenya Rift. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, 374:197-2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.01.019


Min, K., Reiners, P.W., Shuster, D.L., 2013. (U-Th)/ He ages of phosphates from St. Severin LL6 chondrite. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 100: 282-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.042


Renne, P.R., Deino, A.L., Hilge, F.J., Kuiper, K.F., et al, Mundil, R., 2013. Time Scales of Critical Events Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary. SCIENCE, 339: 684-687. DOI: 10.1126/science.1230492


Renne, P.R., 2013. Some footnotes to the optimization-based calibration of the 40Ar/39Ar system. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, DOI: 10.1144/SP378.17


Suavet, C., Weiss, B.P., Cassata, W.S., Shuster, D.L., etal, 2013. Persistence and origin of the lunar core dynamo. PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1300341110

WoldeGabriel, G., Endale, T., White, T.D., Thouveny, N., Hart, W.K., Renne, P.R., Asfaw, B., 2013. The role of tephra studies in African paleoanthropology as exemplified by the Sidi Hakoma Tuff. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 77: 47-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2012.09.004


Zhou, J., Ji, J.Q., Deino, A., Gong, J.F., Han, B.F., Tu, J.Y., Sang, H.Q., Xu, J.G., 2013,Laser fusion Ar-40/Ar-39 dating on young volcanic rocks. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 29:2811-2825, PDF


Cassata, W. S. Shuster, D.L., Renne, P.R., Weiss, B.P., 2012. Trapped Ar isotopes in meteorite ALH 84001 indicate Mars did not have a thick ancient atmosphere. ICARUS, 221: 461-465.


Deino, A.L., 2012. 40Ar/39Ar dating of Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and the chronology of early Pleistocene climate change. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 63: 251-273.


Fu, R.R., Weiss, B.P., Shuster, D.L., Gattacceca, J., etal, 2012. An Acient Core Dynamo in Asteriod Vesta. SCIENCE, 338: 238-241.

Gourbet, L., Shuster, D.L., Balco, G., Cassata, W.S., Renne, P.R., Rood, D., 2012. Neon diffusion kinetics in olivine, pyroxene and feldspar: Retentivity of cosmogenic and nucleogenic neon. GEOCHEMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 86: 21-36.


Morgan, L.E., Renne, P.R., Kieffer, G. Piperno, M., Gallotti, Rosalia, Raynal, JP., 2012.A chronological framework for a long and persistent archaeological record: Melka Kunture, Ethiopia. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 62:104-115.


Renne, P.R., Goodwin, M.B., 2012. Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: COMMENT. GEOLOGY FORUM, DOI: 10.1130/G32521C.1


Renne, P.R., Mulcahy, S.R., Cassata, W.S., Morgan. L.E., etal., 2012.Retention of inherited Ar by alkali feldspar xenocrysts in a magma: Kinetic constraints from Ba zoning profiles. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 93:129-142.


Shellnutt, J.G., Denyszyn, S.W., Mundil, R., 2012. Precise age determination of mafic and felsic intrusive rocks from the Permian Emeishan large igneous province (SW China). GONDWANA RESEARCH, 22: 118-126.


Shuster, D.L., Farley, K. A., Vasconcelos, P.M., Balco, G. et al, 2012. Comsogenic 3He in hematite and goethite from Brazilian "canga" duricrust demonstrates the extreme stability of these surfaces. EARTH & PLANETARY SCHIENCE LETTERS, 329-330: 41-50.


Tollo, R.P., Aleinikoff, Mundil, R. Southworth, C. S., et al., 2012. Igneous activity, metamorphism, and deformation in the Mount Rogers area of SW Virginia and NW North Carolina: A geologic record of Precambrian tectonic evolution of the southern Blue Ridge Province. GSA FIELD GUIDE, DOI: 10.1130-2012.0029(01).


Balco, G., Purvance, M.D., Rood, D.H., 2011. Exposure dating of precariously balanced rocks. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, 6:205-303.


Balco, G., 2011. Contributions and unrealized potential contributions of cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating to glacier chronology, 1990-2010. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 30: 3-27.


Carporzen, L. Weiss, B.P., Elkins-Tanton, L.T., Shuster, D.L., Ebel, D., Gattacceca, J., 2011. Magnetic evidence for a partially differentiated carbonaceous chondrite parent body. PNAS, 108: 6386-6389.


Cassata, W.S. Renne, P.R., Shuster, D.L., 2011. Argon diffusion in pyroxenes: Implications for thermochronometry and mantle degassing. EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 304: 407-416.


Denyszyn, S.W., Mundil, R., Brownlee, S.J., Renne, P.R., 2011. High-precision U-Pb geochronology of the Butedale pluton, British Columbia. CANADA JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE, 48: 557-565.


Farley, K.A., Shuster, D.L., Ketcham, R.A., 2011. U and Th zonation in apatite observed by laser ablation ICPMS, and implications for the (U-Th)/He system. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 75: 4515-4530.


Fletcher, K.E.K., Rockwell, T.K., Sharp, W.D., 2011. Late Quaternary slip rate of the southern Elsinore fault, Southern California: Dating offset alluvial fans via 230Th/U on pedogenic carbonate. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RSEARCH, 116: DOI: 10.1029/2010JF001701.


Gold, R.D., Cowgill, E., Arrowsmith, J.R., Chen, X., Sharp, W.D., Cooper, K.M., Wang, XF., 2011. Faulted terrace risers place new constraints on the late Quarternary slip rate for the central Altyn Tagh fault, Northwest Tibet. GSA BULLETIN, 123: 958-978.


Huber, C., Cassata, W.S., Renne, P.R., 2011. A lattice Boltzmann model for noble gas diffusion in solids: The importance of domain shape and diffusive anisotropy and implications for thermochronometry. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 75: 2170-2186.


Holden, N.E., Bonardi, M.L., De Bievre, P., Renne, P.R., Villa, I.M., 2011. IUPAC-IUGS common definition and convention on the use of the year as a derived unit of time (IUPAC Recommendations 2011)*,**. PURE APPL. CHEM, 83: 1159-1162.


Irmis, R.B., Mundil, R., Martz, J.W., Parker, W.G., 2011. High-resolution U-Pb ages from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation (New Mexico, USA) support a diachronous rise of dinosaurs. EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 309: 258-267.


Martinez, R.N., Sereno, P.C., Alcober, O.A., Colombi, C.E., Renne, P.R., Montanez, I.P., Currie, B.S., 2011. A Basal Dinosaur from the Dawn of the Dinosaur Era in Southwestern Pangaea. SCIENCE, 331:206-210.


Mulcahy, S.R., Roeske, S.M., McClelland, W.C., Jourdan, F., Renne, P.R., et al, 2011. Structural evolution of a composite middle to lower crustal section: The Sierra de Pie de Palo, northwest Argentina. TECTONICS, DOI: 10.1029-2009TC002656.


Putkonen, J., Morgan, D.J., Balco, G., 2012. Regolith transport quantified by braking block, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. GEOMORPHOLOGY, DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.12.010


Rovey II, C.W., Balco, G., 2011. Summary of Early and Middle Pleistocene Glaciations in Northern Missouri, USA., DEVELOPMENTS IN QUATERNAY SCIENCE, 15: 553-561.


Shuster, D.L., Cuffey, K.M., Sanders, J.W., Balco, G., 2011. Thermochronometry Reveals Headward Propagation of Erosion in an Alpine Landscape. SCIENCE, 332: 84-88.


Uhen, M.D., Pyenson, N.D., Devries, T.J., Urina, M., Renne, P.R., 2011. New Middle Eocene Whales from the Pisco Basin of Peru. BIOONE, DOI: 10.1666/10-162.1.


Valla, .G., Shuster, D.L., van der Beek, P.A., 2011. Significant increase in relief of the European Alps during mid-Pleistocene glaciations. NATURE GEOSCIENCE, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1242.


Yapp, C.J., Shuster, D.L., 2011. Environmental memory and a possible seasonal bias in the stable isotope composition of (U-Th)/He-dated goethite from the Canadian Arctic. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 75: 4194-4215.


Balco, G., Rovey II, C.W., 2010. Absolute chronology for major Pleistocene advances of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. GEOLOGY, 38: 795-798.


Behr, W.M., Rood, D.H., Fletcher, K.E., et al, Sharp, W.D., 2010. Uncertainties in slip-rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas fault at Bixkra Palms Oasis, southern California. GSA BULLETIN, 122: 1360-1377.


Brownlee, S. J., Renne, P.R., 2010. Thermal history of the Ecstall pluton from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and thermal modeling. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74: 4375-4391.


Cassata, W. S., Shuster, D.L., Renne, P.R., Weiss, B. P., 2010. Evidence for shock heating and constraints on Martian surface temperatures revealed by 40Ar/39Ar thermochronometry of Martian meteorites. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74: 6900-6920.


Courtillot, V., Kravchinsky, V.A., Quidelleur, X., Renne, P.R., Gladkochb, D.P., 2010. Preliminary dating of the Viluy traps (Eastern Siberia): Eruption at the time of Late Devonian extinction events? EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 300: 239-245.


Deino, A.L., Scott, G.R., Saylor, B., Alene, M., Angelini, J.D., Haile-Selassie, Y., 2010. 40AR.39Ar dating, plaeomagnetism, and tephrochemistry of Pliocene strata of the hominid-bearing Woranso-Mille area, west-central Afar Rift, Ethiopia. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 58:111-126.


Farley, K.A., Shuster, D.L., Watson, E.B., Wanser, K.H., Balco, G., 2010. Numerical investigations of apatite 4He/3He thermochronometry. AGU-GEOCHEMSTRY GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS G3, V11 #10.


Fletcher, K.E.K., Sharp, W.D., Kendrick, K.J., Behr, W.M., Hudnut, K.W., Hanks, T.C.,2010. 230Th/U dating of a late Pleistocene alluvial fan along the southern San Andreas fault. GSA BULLETIN, 122: 1347-1359.


Haile-Selassie, Y., Latimer, B.M., Alene, M., Deino, A.L., et al, 2010. An early Australopithecus afarensis postcranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia. PNAS, 107: 12121-12126


Haile-Selassie, Y., Saylor, B.Z., Deino, A.L., Alene, M., Latimer, B.M., 2010. New Hominid Fossils From Woranso-Mille (Central Afar, Ethiopia) and Taxonomy of Early Australopithecus. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 141:406-417.


Jarbo, N.A., Coe, R.S., Renne, P.R., Glen, J.M.G., 2010. Canyon incision and knickpoint propagation recorded by apatite 4He/3He thermochronometry. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 274: 158-168.


Memeti, V., Paterson, S., Matzel, J., Mundil, R., Okaya, D., 2010. Magmatic lobes as "snapshots" of magma chamber growth and evolution in large, composite batholiths: An example from the Tuolumne intrusion, Sierra Nevada, California. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, doi: 10.1130/B30004.1


Mundil, R., Palfy, J., Renne, P.R., Brack, P., 2010. The Triassic timescale: new constraints and a review of geochronological data. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, 334: 41-60.


Oster, J.L., Montanez, I.P., Gilderson, T.P., Sharp, W.D., Banner, J.L., 2010. Modeling speleothem δ13C variability in a central Sierra Nevada cave using 14C and 87Sr/86Sr., GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74: 5228-5242.


Renne, P.R., Mundil, R., Balco, G., Min, K., Ludwig, K.R., 2010. Joint determination of 40K decay constants and 40Ar*/40K for the Fish Canyon sanidine standard, and improved accuracy for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74:5349-5367.


Renne, P.R., Schwarcz, H.P., Kleindienst, M.R., Osinski, G.R., Donovan, J.J., 2010. Age of the Dakhleh impact event and implications for Middle Stone Age archeology in the Western Desert of Egypt., EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 291: 201-206.


Sharp, W.D., Kahn, J.G., Polito, C.M., Kirch, P.V., 2010. Rapid evolution of ritual architecture in central Polynesia indicated by precise 230Th/U coral dating. PNAS. Doi/10.1073/pnas.1005063107.


Schildgen, T.F., Balco, G., Shuster, D.L., 2010. The age of the Steens reversal and the Columbia River Basalt Group. EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 293: 377-387.


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